I am so lacking in sleep at the moment that everything seems to have become emotionally charged. The sleep deprivation is because I am being woken by pain due to my arthritis. However, the consequence is I am being so readily moved to tears by posts on Social Media or items on the TV. Being a great sports fan both the Rugby World Cup and the IAAF World Championships are providing plenty of drama to stir my heart. I am not complaining about this situation. Being emotional makes me feel alive. However, it is very draining.
“Life’s ups and downs”
This is a title I have long held as being apt for my autobiography.
Everybody has periods of more or less good fortune or high levels of activity contrasting with periods of ennui. Well I have this in extremis! I have a psychiatric diagnosis of bipolar.

At the moment my mood is “high” and my physical body is struggling to keep up with my over-active mind.
Hard Time
“You know? Times are hard”
“Well he has had a hard time”
And time is hard,
Relentlessly hard.
Hard time.
[Martyn Cooper 1-10-1983]
Hello world!
This is my first post on this new website designed to reflect current activities in my life with a few highlights from the past.